Judah was in the very worst of
times. The Babylonian armies were at the
city walls. The city was in the midst of
falling to its enemies. Despair, discouragement,
and destruction had fallen upon the city and its people like the darkness of
night. Yet, in the midst of it all, God
calls out to the people of Jerusalem
and says, Call unto me, and I will answer
. . .
There are times where we find ourselves in the darkness of despair. Perhaps we have earned the corrections God
has brought into our lives. Or perhaps,
we are being refined through a trial that seems undeserving, but is in God’s
grand design. In the midst of that
record breaking hurricane that holds every prospect of our destruction, we find
ourselves sitting in a row boat, wishing we had a much bigger bucket.
While the people of Jerusalem
deserved their lot, notice the grace of God in the midst of His divine
judgment. God continued to provide an
invitation accompanied by a definite promise.
God said through Jeremiah, “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and
shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” In other words God said, in the midst of your
hopelessness if you will call unto
me then I will answer in supernatural ways.
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